Andrew Neilson
Media Relations Manager, Natwest
Andrew Neilson has over 20 years of experience in PR, enhancing the reputation of individuals, products, and institutions. His career includes six years as a Non-Executive Director for Capital Theatres, which manages several Edinburgh theatres. His first PR role was at the Edinburgh Fringe, where he publicised high-profile shows including an appearance of Kylie Minogue. He then worked with the National Theatre of Scotland, managing PR for productions like Black Watch and pioneering the world’s first Social Media call. At the BBC corporate press office in London, he navigated high-profile issues, including the Savile scandal. Later, at BBC Scotland, he publicised programs for the Commonwealth Games and the Independence Referendum, defending the BBC’s impartiality and winning an award for the Best BBC Communications Report. Since joining the NatWest in 2016, he has created iconic campaigns, from giant frozen credit cards at Edinburgh Zoo to savings tips with goalkeeper Emily Ramsey. He won the Chartered Banker Institute Young Banker of the Year Award for a proposal to help combat fraud. He is also chair of the Chartered Banker Institute’s Scotland Member Network.